Under the lamp of social security, mental health for men has been like an elephant in dark corners. In fact, men have been encased by social norms. For example, it has been thought to be a thing of people out of such norms if they do speak out on something and don’t keep silent about their fears. Man, because of this, cover up with a big smile, carry a smiling mask and say, ‘ I’m fine ’. But let’s open an eye in this corn field for a change.
Harry, a friend of mine, was once completely icllectable therapy. Whenever we went for one more pint, it was plain to see that his mind was very troubled-after windows talking and opaque sparkly colored glass in computer magazines meant midnight lightning skies. So I said to him, ‘Harry old boy, therapy is n’t just lying there on a couch and crying.’ At this point I hit a nerve in his sagging interest. Fast forward a few months and the next time Harry was talking about mental health he was advocating it in lightning streaks from seat to counter.
So for what reason won’t many men follow suit? It comes down to fear — that little imp whispering repetitious nonsense into their ears. ‘ Is there anything to be afraid of again?’ keeps on pushing out ” What will they think?” like a bad song in their heads. But let us see the facts: seeking emotional support is very much like tuning a musical instrument. Is a wonky guitar of any use whatever good? We should declare noc.
There is also the matter of misdirection. Therapy may feel a bit like speaking an unfamiliar language without a single subtitle. So where should we go from here? Breaking down those mental barriers is of course essential. So it’s about finding someone who feels like a partner in crime rather than authority figure. They are companions, not investigators. Mental health professionals are like sherpa or snow plow drivers guiding a rushing stream up mountains of anxiety.
On the other hand, men generally drownhigh spirits deep routines and duties. It is rather funny how often, after the fact, they realize self-care for themselves lags well behind other items on the list. Stressing things that bring about a personal touch whether reading comics, doing yoga or mastering some simple dance step at TikTok – that is transformative. Making your own emotional well-being a series of small gains will produce good results.
Let me set you a challenge. Next time you’re down in the doldrums spinning around, give Harry a call. There must be some stuff amongst those brochures of his he could pass on to us. And we can’t be socially stymied about that one welfare elephant under the table: let’s get rid of it.