Certainly one of the greatest spectacles in the world must be the annual mating of whales. In Maui you can become involved with nature and take part in this wonderful grand show.

You are standing on a small boat at sea with the wind in your hair, looking out at endless blue waters. From below, suddenly the humpback whale launches up to the sky and then throws itself back down; the sound can even be heard in land. As it hits water, there is a little water dance–that is how they do it when someone arrives on stage. It’s as if you have a front-row seat at an ever changing oceanic spectacle. If you’re looking for the best maui whale watching, visit Dive Maui for more information.

Hands down, without question, winter is the best season. Whales come from the icy waters of Alaska and go to Hawaii’s sunlit sea for their mothering like clockwork every November through May. It’s just like being in the center of a touching family affair when you see a mother whale with her calf.

What sort of boat trip you choose can very much influence your experience. Some people like the tight little nimble rafts–they are fast, zipping close to action pins you in like a Ferrari on wheels sticks to the road. Others may go for larger, more comfortable catamarans. These skoot smoothly and are perfect if you prefer your force from the sea without too much roll.

A good guide makes your journey an enlightening experience. These experts tell you stories about sea life, and sprinkle their tales with interesting facts. Did you know that humpbacks sing elaborate songs which can carry underwater for miles? You have to wonder what they’re up to here. Maybe serenading the sea.

So as not to miss a thing on your excursion, be sure to bring along binoculars and a camera with significant zoom capability. In this way you can get close-up pictures of whales, moments which you will want to treasure.

When you go whale watching it’s not just another point on some holiday agenda list–it is a charming thing waiting for you to discover and enjoy. As great sea creatures stroll across the salty stage, you enter an environment where what is ordinary becomes extraordinary. So buy your ticket, board that boat, and prepare yourself for quite a show. With a bit of luck, you might even receive a wave goodbye from friend!