But you can still be ready to join the enthusiasm in Tampines Street 95. What kind of place is this? Forget about your normal Saturday routine this time. Here ‘s a special happening, and it could be more exciting in its effect than extra fries at the bottom of the bag-in other words: thrilling! The new Executive Condo–let’s call it Tampines Street 95 EC launch for short-should provide a lifestyle that is both luxury and comfortable.
Just think. You walk into a room where modern design and grace are as one. It’s like the feeling when you find clothes that suit perfectly–ah, now how comfortable the whole world seems. The EC units here? They range from snug, efficient spaces for singles to broad family rooms welcome a football team. OK, maybe don’t expect to hold a football match there, but you get my point. Options galore, and there’s something for every lifestyle.
And we’re talking services now, amenities as they’re known in the trade. We have pools that shimmer in sunlight; enough treadmills machines to keep you running all day, every day without stopping for rest; and vistas so verdant it’s like this was somewhere other than one of Asia’s most bustling urban areas. One can relax in the tranquillity of their new space or get active–it’s rather like choosing a chocolate bar off the counter in a candy store. And for the little ones? Playgrounds abound. Let’s be real here, little legs wander just cantankerously need roomed in which to run wild.
And as for layout, this place’s draw is connectivity. Everything is within the stones throw; schools, public transport and should not be overlooked- the plethora of dinning options will make your throat tingle happily indeed. Got kids? Not a problem–no more herding them to school as if they were felines. You’re relaxing, they’re learning.
You may be in a cold sweat, your wallet is not breaking–the developers have thought ahead to make this thing feasible. Measures are in place; you will not need give away a kidney or two. It’s like that one time when you find a designer dress on sale: amazing and fantastic all at once.
In short, Tampines Street 95 may well be your next address. Even if you aren’t looking for “housing,” come check out the launch as it will sheer vibe be worth your time. Might this EC be your new happy place? The quiet cranny where you someday will splash out your memories. At any rate it’s worth checking into. After all, you might even dearly love it. Because who can resist the siren call of potential?